Valio Eesti AS is an environment-friendly company and it is certified with the environmental management system certificate ISO 14001
This means that Valio Eesti AS has undertaken responsibility for the environment, purchasing technology that minimises environmental impact, ensuring sustainable use of raw materials and energy, and facilitating use of recoverable and energy-efficient packaging.
Environmental management certificate ISO 14001 covers activities of Valio in Finland and Estonia.
ISO certificate proves that Valio Eesti has mapped thoroughly their operating processes, which enables to save costs and increase efficiency, minimise environmental costs, ensure better compliance with legal acts, and provide security to every consumer that our products have been manufactured in environment-friendly and sustainable way.
Principles of environmental management of the organisation are:
Major environmental goals of Valio Eesti AS:
In our purchase activities we cooperate with the partners, whose values and objectives match the environmental goals of Valio Eesti. This operation principle means balance between the environment and social and business objectives.